Thursday, August 6, 2015

Build Buckets

In our last blog, we mentioned something about "build buckets." So, what is a build bucket? That is a great question as we now start Phase 3 of the Epic project: System Design and Build!

We have just completed our third series of Workflow Adoption meetings with our Epic counterparts to understand how our GBMC workflows will be incorporated into the Epic software. (Thank you to all that attended to provide the needed input to the processes!) But our work does not stop there! The Epic analysts are now taking collected data to start building the system.

We will continue to collaborate with our SMEs (subject matter experts) on a regular basis to review our build and meet our aggressive timelines. We know this requires extra time and effort, but it contributes to making a better and safer healthcare information system for our patients. If you have any questions or comments along the way, don't hesitate to speak up. Also, don't forget that you can always leave comments below!

Back to the Build Buckets.

The build buckets are the heart of what the Epic team is working on right now. It will take four buckets to build the GBMC HealthCare Epic system before we test to see how the build is working. Each bucket has very defined tasks per application, but it is like building a house (or sandcastle).

Testing what was built starts in December!

Together, our buckets will build the system we want and need! It takes all of use to make this happen.

Kay Everett
Clinical Project Manager